Direct Push Probing is a Western Australian owned and operated drilling company that uses direct push technology to “push” tools and sensors into the ground to carry out Environmental and Geotechnical drilling investigations requiring samples, tests and/or the installation of monitoring wells.

We provide reliable Geotechnical and environmental drilling services in which safety and cost effectiveness are paramount. Our services include:

Drilling for Soil samples

both geotechnical and environmental

Geotechnical Drilling Services

Non Destructive digging

Vacuum excavation

Ground Water & Gas samples

both geotechnical and environmental

Monitoring Wells Installation

Pre-packed monitoring wells also available

Concrete coring & cutting

Who we are

Direct Push Probing is a Western Australian owned and operated environmental drilling and geotechnical drilling company based in Perth offering a one-stop service for Geo-environmental site investigations
DPP considers the health, safety and well being of our employees and others in our workplace of primary importance.

Our Safety, Health & Environmental Management System (SHEMS) is based on best practice standards and complies with Australian Standards AS 4801 and AS 14001.


Soil Samples

Direct push technology facilitates better vertical profiling capabilities for generating three dimensional profiles of a site by providing undisturbed soil cores that offer a more accurate depiction of sub-surface properties. Read More

Gas & Groundwater Samples

DPP uses direct push technology to offer a fast, efficient means of detecting and delineating contaminated areas. We use a PRT (Post Run Tubing) system to collect soil vapour samples from the desired sampling depth Read More

Geotechnical Services

Direct Push Probing offers the following geotechnical drilling services:
SPT, Piezometer, inclinometer, vibrating wire piezometer, monitoring well installation, Shelby Tube sampling, Large diameter direct push samples & bulk soil samples. Read More

Monitoring Wells

DPP uses direct push technology to install wells for monitoring either groundwater or soil vapour. These offer a highly cost-effective and minimal-intrusion technique for collecting data. Read More

Past Projects

Roy Hill port expansion

Direct Push Probing recently completed geotechnical project in Port Hedland as part of the Roy Hill port expansion

Yagan Square – Perth CBD

 Geotechnical investigation  30+m as close as 500mm to the tunnel wall for pile design

Perth Stadium environmental investigation

Approx 135 groundwater and soil vapour wells with soil sampling (with golf ball shield)

FAL (Forrestfield Airport Link)

Multiple soil bores and groundwater wells up to 20m deep along the alignment.

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